Sevastopol: 5 Calisthenics parks

Sevastopol has 5 workout places located in 1 city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Sevastopol, you're at the right place.

Top 4 Calisthenics Parks in Sevastopol

1 cities with Calisthenics Parks in Sevastopol

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Sevastopol6.9 km away
Kherson Oblast215.5 km away
Odesa Oblast325.2 km away
Mykolaiv Oblast332.6 km away
Zaporizhia Oblast363.4 km away
Transnistria410.6 km away
Kirovohrad Oblast439.5 km away
Ialoveni District443.4 km away
Krasnodar Krai450.2 km away
Dubăsari District456.9 km away
Dobrich460.6 km away
Donetsk Oblast492.9 km away
Varna497.4 km away
Silistra519.6 km away
Republic of Adygea524.4 km away
Cherkasy Oblast534.1 km away
Sîngerei District534.2 km away
Shumen539.6 km away
Black Sea Region542.5 km away
Florești District543.5 km away