Rome: List of Calisthenics parks

Rome has 0 workout places located in 0 different cities. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Rome, you're at the right place.

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Lazio25.4 km away
Latina58.9 km away
Rieti66.9 km away
Terni75.7 km away
L'Aquila90.9 km away
Frosinone95.4 km away
Umbria119.3 km away
Perugia135.7 km away
Ascoli Piceno140.2 km away
Grosseto148.2 km away
Pescara155.8 km away
Chieti161.4 km away
Marche170.3 km away
Fermo173.4 km away
Macerata175.5 km away
Caserta178.7 km away
Napoli188.5 km away
Pesaro E Urbino206.2 km away
Ancona209.4 km away
Borgo Maggiore227.7 km away
Campania228.0 km away
Firenze232.4 km away
Rimini241.0 km away