Northeast: 18 Calisthenics parks

Northeast has 18 workout places located in 17 different cities. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Northeast, you're at the right place.

Top 4 Calisthenics Parks in Northeast

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Prague108.4 km away
Southeast118.9 km away
Central Moravia122.1 km away
Central Bohemia150.2 km away
Northwest154.5 km away
Northwest154.5 km away
Opole Voivodeship157.4 km away
Moravia-Silesia159.7 km away
Southwest177.4 km away
Saxony186.5 km away
Lubusz Voivodeship204.0 km away
Lower Austria224.4 km away
Region of Trenčín228.1 km away
Vienna234.8 km away
Region of Trnava253.7 km away
Upper Austria266.4 km away
Region of Žilina267.7 km away
Region of Nitra290.6 km away
Łódź Voivodeship297.2 km away
Berlin302.3 km away