Amman: 2 Calisthenics parks

Amman has 2 workout places located in 1 city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Amman, you're at the right place.

Top 2 Calisthenics Parks in Amman

1 cities with Calisthenics Parks in Amman

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Jerusalem District118.5 km away
Center District139.6 km away
Tel Aviv District149.9 km away
North District154.0 km away
Haifa District164.1 km away
South District175.3 km away
Jbeil District277.6 km away
Cyprus471.2 km away
South Cyprus479.4 km away
Cairo Governorate488.6 km away
Giza Governorate722.6 km away
Ilam Province993.6 km away
Aegean Region1,001.8 km away
Kermanshah Province1,013.5 km away
Black Sea Region1,056.7 km away
Kurdistan Province1,084.5 km away
Region of Crete1,128.2 km away
Hawalli1,159.9 km away
Crete1,170.0 km away