Rolândia: 2 Calisthenics parks

Rolândia has 2 workout places all around the city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Rolândia, you're at the right place.

Top 2 Calisthenics Parks in Rolândia

surrounding cities with Street Workout Spots

Cambé9.9 km away
Londrina21.2 km away
Sertanópolis43.9 km away
Santa Fé54.3 km away
Maringá59.6 km away
Paranavaí114.7 km away
Cândido Mota118.4 km away
Japurá122.5 km away
Indiana127.0 km away
Campo Mourão131.4 km away
Presidente Prudente132.3 km away
Álvares Machado137.8 km away
Lucélia180.5 km away
Arapoti182.6 km away
Irapuru193.8 km away
Douradina196.8 km away
Guarapuava231.8 km away
Ponta Grossa232.5 km away
Cafelândia246.7 km away
Cascavel279.8 km away
Itaóca296.2 km away
Borborema301.4 km away
Botucatu303.0 km away
Colombo309.3 km away