Puerto Montt: 2 Calisthenics parks

Puerto Montt has 2 workout places all around the city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Puerto Montt, you're at the right place.

Top 2 Calisthenics Parks in Puerto Montt

surrounding cities with Street Workout Spots

Cocham贸52.7 km away
Ancud86.0 km away
Osorno101.3 km away
Villa La Angostura134.7 km away
Lago Ranco143.6 km away
Dina Huapi154.1 km away
Los Lagos179.2 km away
Valdivia186.1 km away
Panguipulli209.8 km away
Futaleuf煤210.0 km away
Mariquina219.7 km away
Lanco225.0 km away
Loncoche235.1 km away
Villarrica251.3 km away
Puc贸n257.7 km away
Freire281.5 km away
Temuco305.6 km away
Melipeuco309.8 km away
Lago Verde333.0 km away
Cisnes333.1 km away
Curacaut铆n349.1 km away