Chillán: 7 Calisthenics parks

Chillán has 7 workout places all around the city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Chillán, you're at the right place.

Top 4 Calisthenics Parks in Chillán

surrounding cities with Street Workout Spots

San Carlos24.0 km away
Quillón36.6 km away
Cabrero54.7 km away
Yumbel68.2 km away
Tomé76.2 km away
Penco80.8 km away
Concepcion87.9 km away
Hualpén90.7 km away
Talcahuano91.0 km away
Laja92.5 km away
Linares96.0 km away
Pelluhue97.7 km away
Los Ángeles98.6 km away
Coronel104.0 km away
Lota108.3 km away
Santa Bárbara118.2 km away
Mulchén124.4 km away
Maule126.2 km away
Arauco129.3 km away
Talca137.0 km away
Angol143.0 km away
Los Álamos165.5 km away
Curepto168.4 km away