Shaanxi: List of Calisthenics parks

Shaanxi has 1 workout places located in 1 city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Shaanxi, you're at the right place.

Top 1 Calisthenics Parks in Shaanxi

1 cities with Calisthenics Parks in Shaanxi

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Shanxi290.3 km away
Ningxia307.7 km away
Hubei647.7 km away
Hebei701.6 km away
Beijing779.7 km away
Jiangsu1,061.1 km away
Shanghai1,271.2 km away
Zhejiang1,290.8 km away
Guangxi1,334.3 km away
Fujian1,344.6 km away
Guangdong1,486.5 km away
Ha Giang province1,543.5 km away
Fujian Province1,568.4 km away
Chungcheongnam-Do1,582.6 km away
Lao Cai province1,596.9 km away
Seoul1,604.6 km away
Jeollanam-Do1,605.0 km away
Kyeongki-Do1,610.7 km away
Gwangju1,614.9 km away
Jaeju-Do1,629.2 km away
Daejon1,648.2 km away
Quang Ninh Province1,658.1 km away
Kangwon-Do1,674.8 km away
Taoyuan1,696.2 km away