Colima: 2 Calisthenics parks

Colima has 2 workout places located in 1 city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Colima, you're at the right place.

Top 2 Calisthenics Parks in Colima

1 cities with Calisthenics Parks in Colima

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Jalisco134.3 km away
Michoacán222.9 km away
Nayarit311.2 km away
Aguascalientes351.6 km away
Guanajuato373.0 km away
Zacatecas438.7 km away
Mexico453.6 km away
Guerrero453.7 km away
Querétaro472.7 km away
Mexico City511.6 km away
San Luis Potosi519.3 km away
Puebla631.9 km away
Durango635.9 km away
Sinaloa742.0 km away
Tamaulipas766.4 km away
Veracruz770.0 km away
Oaxaca828.5 km away
Nuevo León892.2 km away
Baja California Sur1,055.3 km away
Chihuahua1,077.2 km away
Tabasco1,221.3 km away
Sonora1,316.4 km away
Campeche1,475.3 km away