Azuay: 14 Calisthenics parks

Azuay has 14 workout places located in 3 different cities. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Azuay, you're at the right place.

Top 4 Calisthenics Parks in Azuay

3 cities with Calisthenics Parks in Azuay

surrounding states with Street Workout Spots

Cañar60.4 km away
El Oro84.7 km away
Loja127.7 km away
Chimborazo137.4 km away
Guayas144.3 km away
Los RĂ­os176.8 km away
Tungurahua214.9 km away
Cotopaxi250.4 km away
ManabĂ­270.9 km away
Pastaza279.0 km away
Pichincha348.0 km away
Imbabura393.6 km away
Nariño524.6 km away
La Libertad556.2 km away
Valle del Cauca863.8 km away
Tolima876.8 km away
QuindĂ­o910.5 km away
Risaralda987.4 km away
Lima1,030.8 km away
Cundinamarca1,058.0 km away
Acre1,171.2 km away
Boyacá1,199.5 km away