Ceilândia: 5 Calisthenics parks

Ceilândia has 5 workout places all around the city. Look at the street workout map to find the workout places near you. Whether you do bodyweight exercise, outdoor fitness, or crossfit and you're looking for a free public gym with pull up bar in Ceilândia, you're at the right place.

Top 4 Calisthenics Parks in Ceilândia

surrounding cities with Street Workout Spots

Samambaia6.9 km away
Águas Claras8.6 km away
Riacho Fundo II11.6 km away
GuarĂĄ13.7 km away
Cruzeiro18.1 km away
Gama22.6 km away
Plano Piloto23.9 km away
Lago Sul24.6 km away
Novo Gama27.0 km away
VarjĂŁo27.1 km away
Jardim Botânico34.2 km away
ParanoĂĄ35.1 km away
Sobradinho38.9 km away
Alexânia52.3 km away
Padre Bernardo74.8 km away
Goiânia155.7 km away
Goiandira257.8 km away
Uberlândia345.4 km away
Ituiutaba379.0 km away
QuirinĂłpolis384.5 km away
Canarana513.6 km away
Franca530.2 km away